Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Dear Readers,

I didn't get any name ideas in the last post, but for now, I'm going to call myself Piper. If you guys hate that name or have another name idea, please come and tell me and then I'll consider changing Piper. OK? OK. :)

Sometimes it's so hard to think how to create a story. Know what I mean? Like you have this really great idea, and then you start writing on it, but then nothing ever comes out of it. What are you supposed to do? I've done this lots of times. In fact, a lot of my stories were like this. Even my story Rubberboot Girl kind of happened like that. I had all of these great ideas and then they just got sllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............... But then one day, I just went on there and started writing again. And then before I knew it, it was finished. Some things just happen like that. Usually what gets old story ideas alive is just more ideas.
As you live life, more ideas just keep on coming. And, some how, you can fit those into those stories that maybe you've put up on the shelf for awhile because they're just not quite right yet. But when you do get them right, they might just be your greatest story yet.

Sometimes it's also kind of hard if you have like several projects going on at one time. At the moment, I have about three to five live projects going on, and then I have those "other" stories that I skip over to if I get really, really bored and I just can't keep myself concentrating on the story that I'm trying to write on. (It's always good to have those kind of stories on hand, that way if you just kind of need a break you can have it and then, when you're back and juiced up, you can get working harder on your story then you ever did before.) And of course I have about several hundred "dead" stories that I probably should at least TRY and work on. But sometimes it's kind of hard.

How was YOUR day?



  1. What, wait? You're changing your username to a fake name, Piper? WHAT ABOUT CRIMSON? CRIMSON! CRIMSON! CRIMSON! CRIMSON! CRIMSON! I LIKE CRIMSON!

    1. No, it's just that this is just kind of my "journal", so I was just picking a fake name. =D

  2. What about Lillian? Or Carolyn? OR CRIMSON? ;D

    1. lol OK, next letter I'll try Crimson and see how it goes. OK? ;D

  3. LOL :D (from above comments) And yes, I do feel that way sometimes when I write. It's so frustrating!

    1. (I know. They crack me up. =D Love you guys!) I know. It's so frustrating......


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