Friday, September 7, 2012

I Have Survived the Ultimate Test

Yes, I have survived the ultimate test!! And what is this ultimate test? I'll give you a few clues:

1. Because of it, my arm's sore.
2. I'm kinda scared of the things that deliver them.
3. They hurt.
4. They help to defend against diseases.

And what is this dastardly thing?


A flu shot!! Yes, a flu shot. I have survived yet another year of this horrible thing, with which a needle is poked into your innocent and unknowing arm, after which pain shoots up, and then the needle is taken out. Symptoms that follow are soreness and aching. OK, so it's not that bad. :) And, yes, I have survived another year!! Lucky me. =D

OK, so I guess the Ultimate Test isn't surviving a flu shot. :) I'd say the ultimate test is whether or not you believe in Christ Jesus as your personal Savior. But, still, I have survived. Sorry, Jesus, for worrying about a needle.

So.............. today I babysat (it was older kids, way easy). And they just left a little while ago. So how's your day going??

I would really love to know what you thought of me!!! Click here and tell me what you think of when you think of me!!!!! (like what kind of person) The results so far are great. :) Thanks to everybody who told me!!!!

Later gator!!



be kind • be polite • be amazing